Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sewing, sewing, sewing.. :)

I'm making lots of quilted purses, the hardest part is to choose which colors to use together!
9 finished sides, just need to do the lining and choose a zipper and pocket andandand :P

This is what the "finished" 9 looks like, I have 3 more suggestions that I need to think about before I sew them..
I also need to keep reminding myself that this is fun and that even though I "have" to do it, it's not to be counted as work and hence boring.. I so easily think the wrong thoughts and then everything just feels so negative that I want to go crawl under a blanket! But I'm getting better at staying positive :D

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Blog reading

Lately I've been so busy with reading blogs that I haven't had the energy for writing on my own :P and also I've been trying to cope with the back(-related) pains.. The two last weeks I've finally felt even partially alive ;) although not exactly functioning.. I did get the dress for my friends wedding finished, now I just need to find someone to take a pic of me in it as well :)
I've also finished painting the kitchen sofa, finally! Still need to dry before I can move it back into the kitchen, and so as not to kill my back it would be very good to have someone help me move it ;)

At least I finally got to sew a passport cover for a friend, I happened to find the perfect fabric for her :)