I've been doing lots of stuff lately, still I've had trouble sleeping because of all the ideas running around in my head! So today I just had to get my sewing machine out, ages since I sewed anything.. well, going to polish up those skills now :) I started easy with a very simple neck-warmer.. sort of to be worn as is or under a very nice (but perhaps not warm enough) scarf :) this is just the first prototype, although I'll be giving it away tomorrow as a pre-Christmas gift :)
Then I wanted to show you all my cake cutters :) mostly for Christmas.. Used them today for the first time this season, mmmm there's a smell of gingerbread cookies in the air :D
More crafting, a ball of yarn :) this first try is pink because that's what I had closest when I made it. It's just yarn rolled around a water balloon and then dipped in a solution of glue and water.. :) it's quite cool and I'm going to make more of these, but in white and some in brown.. and some bigger too :)
Hurudant lim använde du för bollen? Kanske inte tapetklister, tror inte det sku vara så stadigt.... och så måst det vara genomskinligt då det torkar. Har du använt vanligt Erikeeper?
ReplyDeleteJag använde vanligt trälim eftersom det var det jag hade hemma :) men erikeeper borde funka lika bra :) tror jag har lite för mkt vatten i min blandning nu, bollen är lite mjuk.. men det går ju att ändra på till nästa :) mamma sa däremot nog genast tapetklister..