Monday, 29 November 2010

Monday, but what a monday! :)

I've been having fun :) started the morning with getting the test results from the what-should-you-be-working-with-test, and happily it agreed with what I've already figured out myself since taking the test :) creative, creative, creative.. :)
So then I celebrated with going to the nearest fabric store and get some fabrics ;) mostly I dug through their left-over boxes :) as yet I haven't taken any photos of my newest acquisitions :) I did take some pictures of my collection of cookie cutters, but they're still in the camera ;)
I made the first batch of gingerbread cookie dough yesterday and will be baking them tomorrow. I'm so looking forward to getting the house filled with the smell of gingerbread cookies! I like baking them much more than I like eating them :P
Among other pottering today I finally got the hobby room tidied enough to actually be able to do some real work there! I at once started with sawing and drilling and screwing the outer box for the kitties sandbox. They always manage to get the sand everywhere so I've already changed to a sandbox with much higher sides and now this. Let's hope it will be enough :)
Now I just want to put some kind of shelf and/or hooks over the sandbox, it's in the hallway and it's a good place to put my bag when I get home :) (Off the floor so no-one pees on it...)
It's fun to have cats, you get to use your imagination a lot to think of new things to do so they won't do any of their stupid stuff :P although then they will use their imagination to think of how to get my attention.. Tufs has had this way of scratching at things on the floor, she usually scratches before peeing so she knows this will definitely get my attention ;) but now as I've been keeping my apartment much cleaner she has instead started to scratch stuff off the coffee table! She's so smart :)

I also got some more cable stuff for my Christmas lights/stars.. but now I need the lamps :P didn't think of that when I was at the store.. it's max 25W and I don't have any at home.. oh well, one more day doesn't matter :) and it's not too late to go to the store again today, just too cold :)
I've been knitting and crocheting a bit, but neither is good for my fingers.. although my hands have been much better today :) at least until I just knitted a couple rows ;)
I just want to get the stuff ready! Especially the stuff that needs to go by post somewhere... patience, patience..

Still not done anything on my homepage.. I'll get around to it one day ;) now I'll just enjoy having a hobby room to do stuff in! Might get the sewing machine out tomorrow! :)

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