Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Christmas is coming :)

And I'm knitting Christmas gifts as fast as I can! :) almost finished with the flower socks, although I still have to frog the foot of the first one and re-knit it.. it's way too big/loose :) but there's some other projects that have to be done first :)
like getting through today's interview... ugh.. I realized I was trying to numb myself by telling me that I don't really want this job.. luckily I saw that so now I'm just trying to tell myself I can do it :)
after the interview I can come home and immerse myself in my knitting :P
more later when I'm not a bundle of nerves ;)


I sort of lost my brain after the interview.. probably when I let go of the nervousness :) luckily I could knit and read and facebook :) the last until fb decided it was time for me to do something else and told me my profile was unavailable! gosh, how horrible that feels.. being out of touch with the world! ;)
anyway, I got the flower sock finished and started on the next project :) but that's one of the secret ones, schhh... ;)
Here's at least a pic of the finished flower sock :) although that one still need to get the foot part frogged and re-knitted... ;)
Oh yes, what I'm reading? Dewey, the library cat :)


  1. You can do it Emie!! You'll find the right job and you'll be happy :) Knitting, I bet is as relieving as crocheting, so knit away girly! :)

  2. Oh yes, I still need to learn to crochet too though.. :) thanks Jenn :)
