Tuesday, 30 November 2010

This and that

I've been doing lots of stuff lately, still I've had trouble sleeping because of all the ideas running around in my head! So today I just had to get my sewing machine out, ages since I sewed anything.. well, going to polish up those skills now :) I started easy with a very simple neck-warmer.. sort of to be worn as is or under a very nice (but perhaps not warm enough) scarf :) this is just the first prototype, although I'll be giving it away tomorrow as a pre-Christmas gift :)

Then I wanted to show you all my cake cutters :) mostly for Christmas.. Used them today for the first time this season, mmmm there's a smell of gingerbread cookies in the air :D

More crafting, a ball of yarn :) this first try is pink because that's what I had closest when I made it. It's just yarn rolled around a water balloon and then dipped in a solution of glue and water.. :) it's quite cool and I'm going to make more of these, but in white and some in brown.. and some bigger too :)

Monday, 29 November 2010

Monday, but what a monday! :)

I've been having fun :) started the morning with getting the test results from the what-should-you-be-working-with-test, and happily it agreed with what I've already figured out myself since taking the test :) creative, creative, creative.. :)
So then I celebrated with going to the nearest fabric store and get some fabrics ;) mostly I dug through their left-over boxes :) as yet I haven't taken any photos of my newest acquisitions :) I did take some pictures of my collection of cookie cutters, but they're still in the camera ;)
I made the first batch of gingerbread cookie dough yesterday and will be baking them tomorrow. I'm so looking forward to getting the house filled with the smell of gingerbread cookies! I like baking them much more than I like eating them :P
Among other pottering today I finally got the hobby room tidied enough to actually be able to do some real work there! I at once started with sawing and drilling and screwing the outer box for the kitties sandbox. They always manage to get the sand everywhere so I've already changed to a sandbox with much higher sides and now this. Let's hope it will be enough :)
Now I just want to put some kind of shelf and/or hooks over the sandbox, it's in the hallway and it's a good place to put my bag when I get home :) (Off the floor so no-one pees on it...)
It's fun to have cats, you get to use your imagination a lot to think of new things to do so they won't do any of their stupid stuff :P although then they will use their imagination to think of how to get my attention.. Tufs has had this way of scratching at things on the floor, she usually scratches before peeing so she knows this will definitely get my attention ;) but now as I've been keeping my apartment much cleaner she has instead started to scratch stuff off the coffee table! She's so smart :)

I also got some more cable stuff for my Christmas lights/stars.. but now I need the lamps :P didn't think of that when I was at the store.. it's max 25W and I don't have any at home.. oh well, one more day doesn't matter :) and it's not too late to go to the store again today, just too cold :)
I've been knitting and crocheting a bit, but neither is good for my fingers.. although my hands have been much better today :) at least until I just knitted a couple rows ;)
I just want to get the stuff ready! Especially the stuff that needs to go by post somewhere... patience, patience..

Still not done anything on my homepage.. I'll get around to it one day ;) now I'll just enjoy having a hobby room to do stuff in! Might get the sewing machine out tomorrow! :)

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Crochet has hooked me too!

My first ever crochet heart! Wow! It's quite uneven and so on, but still wow! ;)
I got great help from this nice blog: Art of Crochet
I'm going to make a lot of these :P went quite fast too, but I do recommend not talking on the phone while trying to count to 9 and 18 and so on ;)

My first hyacinth for this season, it now stands in the hall and I get a lovely sniff of it every time I go by :) I've bought for more but they're still very much in bud still.. :) they're pink though.. I prefer white ones but I got the pink cheaper :P cheapskate! ;)

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Hyacinths and birdcages, what? ;)

Mmmmmmmmm, that first whiff of hyacinth for the season... mmmmmmm! I'm in heaven! :) Maybe if I dig out my car from the snow tomorrow I could go and buy some more.. ;) I usually have a couple in each room :) permeate the house with the smell :) 

My new idea for a cat safe candle holder :) it's just a very small birdcage that H&M Home sells :)
It seems to hold well the heat from a tea light :)
I tried to find a picture of it on H&M's page but I couldn't find it at all! Oh well, I have two at least and maybe they still have it in the shop, just not online.. :) it's very cute too, and very practical :) Although both Tufs and Trollis seem to be a bit careful around candles now.. I've never seen Trollis burn herself but I know Tufs has burned her fur twice! Well, she's got such a long fur that it almost touches candles from across the room :P the thought with the candle cage is also so that a mindlessly walking cat doesn't burn her fur by accident either.. :)

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

"Competition" coming up :)

Or whatever you want to call it.. I thought I'd make a couple different logos for Pingevin and then you could vote for which one you like the best :) I'll host it here but of course link from facebook :)
So, I'll just start working.. :)
Oh yes, of course, the "winner" will get a t-shirt with the logo printed on it :) I guess I'll just have to pick names out of a hat or something.. still thinking about how to do this the best :)
This is how pingevin looked in the beginning.. needs a little updating :)


Sorry, you didn't get the job... *Sigh* I hate getting no's.. And I did cry a little.. but then I started looking for more ads about jobs even before the tears had dried ;) and I still have two places where I've sent applications that might work out to a yes.. you never know :) actually a third that I sent in a couple minutes ago ;)
But, this means I need to get my homepage up and running as soon as possible! And get on with the drawing.. patterns and stuff.. I could hardly sleep yesterday with all that I wanted to do, and now I've just spent a lot of time on facebook again..


Sorry, just had to shout it so that maybe I'd hear it too...
Knitting is good, but it's not enough with just that.. textile stuff will be much easier and faster to do and maybe sell! and maybe that way get some money... :)

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Christmas is coming :)

And I'm knitting Christmas gifts as fast as I can! :) almost finished with the flower socks, although I still have to frog the foot of the first one and re-knit it.. it's way too big/loose :) but there's some other projects that have to be done first :)
like getting through today's interview... ugh.. I realized I was trying to numb myself by telling me that I don't really want this job.. luckily I saw that so now I'm just trying to tell myself I can do it :)
after the interview I can come home and immerse myself in my knitting :P
more later when I'm not a bundle of nerves ;)


I sort of lost my brain after the interview.. probably when I let go of the nervousness :) luckily I could knit and read and facebook :) the last until fb decided it was time for me to do something else and told me my profile was unavailable! gosh, how horrible that feels.. being out of touch with the world! ;)
anyway, I got the flower sock finished and started on the next project :) but that's one of the secret ones, schhh... ;)
Here's at least a pic of the finished flower sock :) although that one still need to get the foot part frogged and re-knitted... ;)
Oh yes, what I'm reading? Dewey, the library cat :)

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Lazy Sunday :)

It feels like lazy even though I've already put a cover on a chair and changed the canopy over my bed :) now for some knitting and going through old magazines :) it feels quite therapeutic to rip out pictures and stuff from old magazines :P
Soon I need to come up with some nice food to cook too... maybe something with tzatziki? :P

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Winter came..

..but how long will it stay? And will it be another cold and rich in snow? Or will it be a warm and slushy one.. or something in between the two :) I'm hoping for one neither too cold nor too slushy.. I hate freezing and I hate moving through slush.. ugh!
On a happier note, I'm almost done with the flower sock and I'll get to try it on my friends foot tomorrow! I'll take a pic of it then :) The it's just the second one.. and the fluffy muffler and everything else from my knitting list.. ;) I think it's 2 socks, 1 wrist-warmer.. and then probably some new ideas :) but if you remember I already have 2 things done, this sock will be the 2,5th :D

Four days to the second interview.. we played at being interviewed and at interviewing today at the course, it is the only way to really learn.. :) gosh I was unprepared for the first interview last Tuesday! But they still asked me to the second! :) Now with all the tips I should be able to really shine :P
I have to think about what to wear though.. something that is both me and neat.. well, I already knew I can't go in what I like to wear the most.. sweat shirt and pants ;)

Oopsie, I lost myself for a while there.. started looking at Lana Pura.. yaaaaarns! :) always makes me drool :) oh well, I have a little stash at home already... :)
Just had to show two of my favorites, they are sooooo gorgeous! click on the pic and you'll get to it's page on Lana Pura :) The red-orange one might even be the right colour for a fire shawl, might need something yellower too.. one can always dream :)

Good night!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Still knitting

I haven't just been applying for jobs, I've still been knitting :) I got quite a lot done on the fluffy muffler on the bus to the interview on Monday ;) and today I finally got an acceptable heel done on the flower sock :) I knitted one heel on the weekend but (as usual) I lost my place so I had to do some frogging.. this time round I gave in and used pen and paper to keep count of where I was! But it was worth it :)
If anyone wonders, this is a short row heel with no yo or such.. just an extra stitch easily picked up after knitting 2tog :)
I almost forgot! I tried it on my friend on the weekend to and it was a good size too! Life is smiling at me right now ;) My friend also wants the foot part just in brown, no flowers.. guess how much work that will save me :D
Then, after the interview on Monday, I also went fabric shopping.. and I found some loooooooovely ones :) lots more than I actually bought :P but I guess I can't buy the whole store.. *sigh*
The two in the middle I'm thinking of using for my niece, there is more than is needed for her though so I have to see what I can come up with :) the striped one is tricot and the purple is velour :) the two outer ones are just plain cotton.. well ok, not so plain ;)

Job seeking progress

So far I've sent in 3 applications.. been on 1 interview (and just recently got called to a second interview for that same job) and got 1 thank you for your application e-mail.. not bad :) then I've also sent 2 emails asking for more information :) we'll see what that comes to..
Now I really need to get my ass working  on that homepage.. I don't know why I postpone it all the time and just talk about it! I did embellish one of my applications with a picture, seen on the right :)
Anyway, time to take out the drawing board and get started! ok, first I'll empty the coffee table so I have somewhere to work.. or maybe I should clean up the table in my hobbyroom.. although that might mean I'll get started on actual design work sometime next week :P
Please keep everything you've got to spare crossed for luck! :)

Monday, 15 November 2010

Interesting day..

Just so that everyone certainly knows, the interview went ok, I had all qualifications for the job and they'll let me know by the end of the week.. The interview could have gone better.. I need to train on being more assertive, like "Yes, I am good at that!" ;) oh well, if not this one then another one.. sooner or later anyway :)
This evening I was at a PartyLite-"party" at a friends sisters place :) it was nice, and I already knew I like PartyLite's candles :) especially their candles with fragrance :) I just ordered 3 different smells, and of course realized when I came home that I already had one of them :P this summer I got a bag full of PartyLite candles when I helped a friend move, she works there as an accountant and has quite a hoard ;)

I've been feeling strangely hungry today.. like I could eat all the time.. maybe it's because the butterflies in my stomach has eaten half of everything ;) luckily they've moved out again, at least most of them.. there might be one or two left waiting for the phone call about the job :)

I bought some nice fabrics too today, colourfull of course! :) too lazy to take pics straight away though ;)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Interview tomorrow, gulp!

I'm almost starting to get a little bit nervous.. :) luckily I've already decided exactly what to wear :P and the rest will just have to come naturally ;) if they don't want me for the job, I'll get one from somewhere else.. that's life :)
Anyway, life is happy :) I'm feeling quite good about most everything :) which reminds me, I'm going to go and continue to put my glass cabinet into order so that I finally can take a picture of it in the right place! :)

Friday, 12 November 2010

Fingers flashing

or not.. I'm not that fast a knitter as yet :) maybe one day :) I've made such progress that I wanted to show you all :)
The so called flower sock :) round 2 ;)
And the Fluffy Muffler :) it was my sisters idea to make it striped, my idea how to make it so ;) we've both got great ideas :)
I haven't had time to knit as much this week, due to the course.. but I guess that's been just as good for my hands :) I just have to put up speed a bit again to get all the stuff done for Christmas that I want to get done :P

A full head..

My head has been fuller than usual.. work, dreams, money, dreams, work, fantasies, dreams, reality, money? And on top of that knitting, reading, cats, interior design, Christmas.. :)
And then I also made the mistake of starting on a book that I couldn't put down.. it was just too captivating :) Kate Morton - The Forgotten Garden. It was really good, I loved how the different times got weaved together.. and she had a way of telling the reader more than the persons in the book knew at times, so that as a reader you got all the pieces of the puzzle in the end and knew exactly what happened :) I'm happy I'm a reader and not one in the book as they didn't know everything :P but I'd love to be Cassandra in the garden.. *sigh* ooh, and btw The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett is one of my favorite books too! Loved that Morton used her for one of the persons :)

As some of you probably have seen on my facebook status I applied for a job yesterday, and got an answer within 10min! Wow.. I was quite overwhelmed.. :) Especially as my thoughts when hearing about the job went something like this:
"seller? nah, not really for me"
"but maybe I should take a look at the ad anyway"
"yeah, all right, I'll apply for this, couldn't hurt"
"hey, wait, it's due tomorrow! no way I'm going to hurry like that!"
"now wait a minute, you like interior design and fabrics and you're right now taking a course in how to apply for work... so what's better than writing an application at the course tomorrow? get your ass moving!"
And so I did, lucky huh? :) Interview on Monday, I'll write an update then of course on how it went and felt :) I still don't even know exactly what shop this work is in as the ad was from a job agent... but I'll get to know on Monday :)
THANK HEAVENS there's an automatic draft saver on blogger! I had written this far and accidentally closed the window.. my heart is still racing ;)
Sorry for the pictureless posts.. but I've been more for writing :) when I've been doing anything else than dreaming ;) yes, I will tell you about my dream.. but some other time :) it needs some more mellowing time ;)
(Sorry all of you who love your English, I like to make words dance to my tune and not always according to general rules :P)
I think that's it for today.. oh, not completely. My car now has winter tires so let Winter Begin! ;)

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Busy, busy, bzzzz

Yesterday was realllly busy, luckily we at least got to leave early from the course :) in the evening Mom and I went on my birthday present ;)
the double Ballet Blood wedding & Scheherazade! It was really nice! I loooove ballet and opera! :) Wish I could go and see everything.. well, at least most of the things :) it's not just the beautiful music and the wonderful singing or the lovely dancing, it's the whole atmosphere.. a lot of people dressed in their finest coming to enjoy a nice evening :)
I really liked both ballets, and they both had some interesting moves/dancing that I've never seen before.. not just new as in modern, but new as in rethinking! :) I thought they could've done a bit more with the costumes for Scheherazade, but maybe they wanted to keep some part simple :) and of course the dancers have to be able to dance in their costumes too :P
the scenery-solutions were great in both though :) And the company was as always the greatest ;) I don't mind admitting that I like to do things with Mom :) I wouldn't mind doing things with someone else either.. so if anyone wants company to the Opera I'm here! :) I don't like theater or movies so much though.. you'll have quite a job to get me to either of them ;) Classic music concerts on the other hand is nice :) but opera and ballet is better when you have something to keep your eyes busy too :)
I have been knitting quite a bit too, the muffler is coming along nicely and I've started on the real flower socks :) no pictures today, too tired :) and Tufs is trying get my attention all the time.. I think she was a bit angry with me yesterday for being away so much.. Especially Tufs likes to have me at home all the time ;) and well, I like to be home too :) especially now with soooo much fun stuff to do! :)
Oooh, I think I've forgot to tell you that I've been walking to the course every day, so that makes it about 5km each day! And I'm feeling fine! :)

Monday, 8 November 2010

Back in school..

Luckily only for two weeks! :) and it seems to be a nice course, teacher and group :) It's a course on how to search and apply for jobs.. everything from what kind of work we want to how to best sell yourself :P I hate selling myself.. it so often feels like lying.. And I don't really know what I can or even want to work with.. something creative is my best guess.. but what if I can't find any work in that branch right now? I also did some personality test-like tests this morning, hopefully they'll give me some help :) I only get the test-answers after three weeks though.. well, it's good for my patience to have to wait a little :P
But, I did decide to build myself a homepage. It's the best place to show what I can do and a bit of who I am.. now I just have to decide on design and where to put it... :)

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Fluffy muffler

Doesn't fluffy muffler sound like something you'd want to use on a cold winters day? :) I started it yesterday so there's not much to show yet, but here it is anyway :)
The stitches are now moss stitching but it will be striped with different kind of stitches :) next up is garter stitch, then I thought I'd try a moss stitch with 2+2 stitches (instead of 1+1) :)
Tomorrow I'm going to start on the real flower socks :) so then I'll have these two to switch between ;)

Living room

Just moved the couches around a bit ;) so now the living room is almost done.. :) just one display case left to move but I'm not going to do that by myself, it's a little bit too breakable ;)
It's looking much better now! I'll post pics when I get my ass up from the couch again.. I had to vacuum the floor and then vacuum the rug that I put out :) it's been rolled up in storage for at least a year..
If I have time tomorrow I'm going to Lundia to buy more shelves for my bookshelf :) it's a system that can be built together any way you like, soooo great! and it's very stable and durable, I've only had my oldest parts for about 10 years but my parents have had theirs for over 30 years :) the only drawback is of course that it's not exactly cheap.. but then again it will always fit as you can make the perfect combination :) (the only problem is if you've bought too high sides and the next place have a lower roof :P luckily I don't have that problem :) mine are only 228cm high, which means I can also stack stuff on top of the shelves ;)
This is as it looks now .) more pics some other day.. when I've cleaned away more stuff :P

Snow! yeeey! :)

Update: it's not snowing anymore.. blue skies instead :)

Except that I still have summer tires under my car... oh well.. I'll get them changed one day :P
I always think of this book when it snows :) especially when it's the first snow.. :) And yes, it's by Astrid Lindgren and the illustrations are by Ilon Wikland.
Astrid Lindgren is one of my favorite authors (childrens books) and Ilon Wikland is one of my absolute favorite illustrators :)
Other than that I've mostly just read today :) "Igelkottens elegans" by Muriel Barbery (original titel L'élégance du hérrison). I really like it :) so far I've both laughed aloud and shed a couple tears.. :) and it touches both philosophy and culture, two of my favorite subjects :)
I have done a little bit of knitting too, I'm knitting a fluffy muffler for my sister for Christmas :) yes, I can write about it openly and show it too as she asked for it and knows I'm making it :)

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Bookshelf moved!

Yey, got that one done too! Now things are moving faaast ;)
Empty bookshelf at its old place..

A few books waiting to be put back

Bookshelf at the new place, I changed a 50cm piece for a 80cm piece.. but I need more shelves.

Some more books..

Tada! Done :) at least as far as I can get it with the shelves I have now..
And soon I'm off to meet the best of Sisters, the best of Mothers and the best of Nieces :) so actually that would be two of the best of Mothers ;)

Friday, 5 November 2010

Busy day :)

Yes, I've been busy for once :) I didn't want to post first thing in the morning, and it still felt like morning at 3pm when I went out :P
I've been to Ikea today, shooopppiiiing! ;) I actually didn't get that much, I was feeling rushed so I couldn't enjoy it really :)
After Ikea I went to see my mother :) we made dinner and talked and actually had time to knit a little bit together.. ;) and then I got a nice pile of knitting magazines and some loooong knitting needles :)
And that's that for today.. too tired to blog properly :P

Thursday, 4 November 2010


well, not yet.. but soon :) and I just got a mail from Habitat with some sale or other.. and for some strange reason I ended up checking their Christmas-stuff.. I'm in love! ;) especially in Booboo! :)
This is as big as you'll get Booboo here, you have to go look at habitats page to see him in real size! :)
He's just the cutest! Especially with my love for penguins.. so if you want to make a Pingevin really happy for Christmas, you know what to get her :P

Other than that I've been knitting some more.. testing, testing.. I'm not exactly thrilled with how the "flowers" look.. might have to do something bigger.. but it's good excercise :) especially knitting with two different colours.. gosh, that's something to keep track of! :)
I'll just knit that last row so that I can show you a pic :)
I really, really want comments on what you think of this pattern! seeing it like this on photo it looks a bit better.. but not perfect.. :D

Cat fight!

My two cats are having one of their running around the house, fighting-spells.. I just hope they hurt neither themselves nor anything breakable.. it is quite the action movie ;) I'm just not sure which one is the good guy (well, girl)..

I've also painted that living room wall a second time, so the living room should be ready painted now! Yeeeeheeeyyyy!! Gosh, why does some easy things sometimes take such ages to get finished?
Anyway, it is done now, puuuuuh :) I'm so happy :) And it is soo right to have the wall the same colour as all the others (well, except the window wall, but that one isn't very much wall..).
So, the next thing is to get all the masking tape off.. and the covering papers from the floor.. and then I can start the fun thing of moving the bookshelf! I love rearranging furniture, except the part of actually physically lug stuff around.. :)
This is not a very good colour representation, but I like how the whole image turned out :)
Anyway, I also got some knitting done today, got that edging with points tried. I'm surprised at how good it looks at the first try! Does that mean it is the second try that is going to go totally boink? Hope not, this will still be frogged, it's too large for the recipient I think..

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Wall painted!

Whoooo! I had a friend over to help me sand it down and paint it the first round :) sometimes I need help just so I get stuff done! It feels soooooo good to have it painted, although I'll have to paint it at least once more.. but I'll do that tomorrow :) doesn't take such a long time when it's already prepared :)
I'm so happy I could dance :D and I've managed to stay away from knitting today too, hopefully my hands will accept it again tomorrow.. want to get started on that new pattern that keeps spinning in my head.. :)
Oh, I need to remember, I'm planning to go to a fabric store tomorrow, see if they have some thin printed fabric.. sort of what's usually used for quilts.. and some filling/stuffing/stuff ;) I'm not exactly sure what to do yet but as I'll soon have a place sorted out for my sewing machine too I need to get materials :) I have such a lot of ideas jumbled in my head..
I just hope I can sleep tonight ;)

Definitely on a roll!

Just got that final wall plastered! Waiting for it to dry while I run around doing a lot of other projects ;) I'm testing to have the cats sandbox under my old (actually newer, but the one I had at the last place) coffee table in the hall, so as to minimize the amount of sand that gets everywhere.. it's just a tad low so I'll have to see how Tufs will accept it.. she's not exactly small ;)
Trollis on the left and Tufs on the right.. Trollis is quite small, but this also shows how big Tufs is.. together they make about two medium sized cats ;)
In case you wanted to see how the hall looks :) this is the opposite side to where the litter box is.. pic of that will probably come one day.. :)


I've got both energy and inspiration! Wow! So I've been zooming around organizing stuff.. there's soooo much to do! I wrote about moving the desktop computer, so I decided to show a pic of the cable-hell that means I have to deal with...
Just a couple cables.. make that a couple thousands! ;)

How the last living room wall is looking now, that darker place is where I ran out of plaster..

This is what it's supposed to look like :) With bookshelf too :)

Stupid head makes hurting hand..

Yep, I woke up with my hand already a bit sore.. so I really have to try and keep from knitting today.. :) it's not like I wouldn't have other things to do..
- finish the last living room wall (some plastering and then painting it at least twice)
- sort through all the papers I just threw in boxes when moving
- move stuff around in the work/hobby room so I could move the desktop computer there.. and get all my yarn in boxes :)
- one thousand more things
- write a list of all the ideas that keep buzzing around in my head

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Knitteliknitt, auch!

Casting on for the next pair of socks.. this pair is for a good friend :) and again it's a mix of a lot of different patterns and my own ideas ;) playing with colours, brown and orange :) well, you'll see once I get a little further than casting on :P
I shouldn't knit anymore today, my hands can't take so much knitting per day.. I have a bit sensitive hands and I could easily get some sort of carpal tunnel syndrome if I do too much.. oh well :) nothing can stop this creative flow! :) Another reason is that it's bedtime here now ;)
Gosh I looooove this yarn! Sandnes lanett.. wow, it's sooo soft and easy to knit with.. :)
This actually isn't that yarn, but it's almost the same.. I'll try and get a good pic of the right one tomorrow :)

Promised pics..

Socks for my aunt for Christmas, I just knitted whatever seemed to look nice ;) I made the stripes myself and did not use a self-striping (better word please) yarn:)
This was supposed to be a cap, but I started taking in too much too fast.. and when I realized this I didn't want to frog so I decided to just go on and see what it turned out as :) I kind of like it :) especially the moss stitching, my favorite stitch so far :)
The toe-up sock.. not exactly perfect, not even close :) frogging and starting over.. no, this was just a test :) There's too much I want to knit to do this now :)

Knitting and blogging..

Not surprisingly my blog-interest died after a couple posts.. it usually does when I try to narrow it down to one subject.. so now this is about me, myself and I! Enjoy my buffet ;)
About the name Pingevin, it's a screen-name I've used once in awhile when my other, more popular, user name has been taken already. It comes from the word penguin which is pingvin in Swedish, add an e and there you have it, a whole new name just for ME! :) And penguins because I've always loved penguins :) I have some old children´s  books about penguins and then I have a big inflatable penguin! I know I've had it at least since I was 6 years old.. so my love is quite old too :)

Knitting now, that's something newer.. I actually learned to knit two years ago, but then I only knitted a scarf and a baby-cap that never even got assembled.. but this autumn I started again and boy am I hooked! So far I've knitted one pair of baby socks (without heels), one pair of socks for me, a cap that became a beret and two pairs of wrist warmers :) all these without real patterns.. just ideas picked up here and there.. oh yes, I forgot, my toe-up sock! Only knitted one of it, not even going to do another.. just wanted to try the method :) but that way I got to know about short row heels, got to be the best heels there are!
Pics coming in a minute.. most are already uploaded to ravelry.com but I'll post them here too :)
except for those things that are going to be Christmas presents! :D