Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

Does your Mother know where you are? Or do You know where your kids are? :P I don't know why I think that's funny but I do :D Doesn't seem like I'll be growing up anytime soon I guess :)
I have been thinking quite a lot lately though..
I felt one night when I was lying in bed a very strong sadness at the thought of maybe being alone for a long time, maybe not finding the right one in time to have kids and so on.. I really really want to have kids one day, my own.. I don't even think I'd want to adopt.. I'm not sure.. I'll take that question if it ever arises. But I do want a big family.. :) a huge one! with dogs and cats too :)
I've been thinking more than that, this whole autumn has been a long meditation. And I'm not finished yet. I still haven't been able to decide on what I want to do when I grow up/the rest of my life ;) yes, I know, I don't have to do the same thing the rest of my life, but at least for a couple of years!
I have so many ideas and alternatives.. I looove numbers, it's a bit crazy but I do :) you can do so much with numbers, finding meanings, creating meanings and so on.. I just don't know exactly how I could implement this love.. statistics? how and where? economics? accountancy? Usually need to have some sort of training to get a job in any of those anyway..
Then there's the whole creative field.. :) textiles in almost every imaginable way, some fields of art, photography, crafts.. And then there's the food, mostly baking, bit. Which in my world belongs to the creative field :) I seldom follow a recipe to the letter, and especially when making cakes I quite often make them completely from an idea I've got :) I get inspiration easily, getting the things done is a little bit harder.. :P
That's the major interests.. well, let's add interior decorating and architecture as I am very interested in them too. If I've forgotten anything I'll let you know :P I love greenery and gardens and flowers and so on too, but I actually don't think that love is enough for a job, except if it is a part of a larger concept.. :) like having a restaurant in a big old house with a huge garden :P and of course an art&craft shop in one of the old buildings ;) I've read way too many country life (interior) magazines ;)

With these thoughts in my head I'm ready to enter a new year and try to be open to whatever it brings me! :)
Happy New Year once again!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that!
    och igen ett gott nytt år, och 2011 blir nog bättre än 2010 :)
